I had such a lovely day today, thanks to a gentle reader of this here blog.
An aspiring attorney from a city a couple hours away wrote to me about my blog. He wondered why I don't actually advertise my services on my blog and I said it's because I don't want to have to weed through people I obviously cannot possibly see in person since chances are, they're too far away. I get enough email from local people that don't fit my criteria as it is. (It amazes me, for instance, that in my ads I state twice how I only do outcalls during the day, and still people write wanting an incall at night.) We wound up going back and forth with the emails for a bit, and I eventually gave him my IM since he was smart and funny and sweet and I liked him a lot.
So the other day he tells me that he had some business to do fairly close to my area today and asked me if I'd consider making an appointment with him. I was surprised at first. "You've read my blog and you want to actually get together with me?" He told me that it was hard for him to even ask! He was afraid I'd say no! I thought that was totally cute, considering we'd chatted quite a bit and obviously had a rapport going. We made arrangements to get together today.
And we did. And he was delightful. A total sweetie. I hope I managed to make his drive worthwhile and that he'll let me know next time he's in my area.
Thanks, D.
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An online diary including details about my former secret life as an escort, and current musings about what it's like to live inside my head.
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